PROJECT: COM - Circular Organic Management
- PROGRAM: Erasmus+
- TITLE: Supporting the behavioral change in schools around the food and organic waste taking into account its social, environmental and financial dimension
- CODE: 2022-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000086157
- WEB SITE: www.ehu.es
The project aims to provide educational tools for trainers, schools, and local authorities to combat climate change and protect the environment. This is achieved through the provision of environmental education packages, the implementation of a game on organic waste, and the drafting of a policy paper on environmental education and organic waste.Teacher training is a fundamental objective of the project since educators play a crucial role in assisting young students in acquiring skills related to environmental awareness and responsibility.
- Innovation Hive
- Incommon non profit civil law company
- Exeo Lab Srl
- Mednarodni institut za implementacijo trajnostnega razvoja, Maribor
- Innomate Ldt
- Asociatia grupul de actiune localanapoca porolissum