- PROGRAM: Erasmus+
- TITLE: Path4Med - Demonstrating Innovative Pathways Addressing Water and Soil Pollution in the Mediterranean Agro-Hydro-System
- CODE: GAP-101156867
A multidisciplinary research project aimed at implementing and transferring an integrated and innovative model, opening new horizons toward zero pollution of water and soil in the agro-hydric system of the Mediterranean basin.
By combining economic, social, and environmental sustainability, the project ensures human well-being and ecosystem functionality, fostering a sustainable agricultural future.
- Agricultural University of Athens (AUA)
- Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
- Aarhus University (AU)
- Exeo Lab Srl
- National Inland Fisheries Research Institute (NIFRI)
- Extra Red (EXT)
- Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (IPV)
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
- University of Bayreuth (UOB)
- ISA-University of Lisbon (ISA)
- Hellenic Centre for Marine Research – Inland Waters (HCMR)
- Wageningen University - Department of Environmental Sciences (WU-DES)
- Public University of Navarra (UPNA)
- National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (NUBIP)
- Neuropublic SA (NP)
- Algarve University (UALG)
- Cukurova University (CU)
- AgroTech Innovations Ltd (AGTIV)
- People in Focus (PIF)
- Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment (MARDE)
- Climate Research Foundation (FIC)
- Reframe.food (RFF)
- Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Montpellier (IAMM)
- GAL Percorsi (GAL)
- Agricircle (AC)
30 November 2023
Il 29 Novembre 2023 si è svolta a Roma la seconda edizione dell’EFEN networking event. Nella prestigiosa sede di Unioncamere, a Piazza Sallustio, ospitate da Assocamerestero, 43 organizzazioni provenienti da tutta Europa si sono incontrate per parlare di cooperazione, co – progettazione, sviluppo e innovazione. Esattamente un anno fa si […]