Dare Valore – La rete multidimensionale dell’inclusione
- Fondo per il Contrasto della Povertà educativa minorile
- TITLE: Giving Value: The Multi-Dimensional Network for Inclusion
- CODE: 2017-GER-00880
- WEB SITE: https://percorsiconibambini.it/darevalore/scheda-progetto/
The project is based on an integrated approach aimed at developing a multi-level and multi-actor strategy for intercepting and safeguarding against school dropout for a group of beneficiaries consisting of 200 second-year students of the first level of secondary school and their families. Additionally, there is a control group of another 200 students.
The specific objectives are as follows:
- Provide the regional system with a stable model for the identification, monitoring, and intervention for students at risk of school dropout.
- Develop an integrated network involving the school, families, and stakeholders.
- Support vulnerable family situations to actively participate in supporting the educational paths of their children.
- Associazione Aleph
- Battistoni & Partners s.r.l.s
- Comune di Lauria
- Centro Femminile Italiano Basilicata – Presidenza Provinciale di Potenza
- Fondazione Bruno Kessler – IRVAPP
- Regione Basilicata – Dipartimento Politiche della Persona
- Comune di Melfi
- Comune di Lauria
- Exeo Lab S.r.l.
- Ic Sant’arcangelo “G. Castronuovo”
- Istituto Comprensivo “A. Ilvento
- Istituto Comprensivo Berardi-Nitti
- Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Basilicata
- Cittadella del Sapere
- Istituto comprensivo "Giovanni XXIII" di Lauria