- PROGRAM: Alliances for Education and Enterprises
- TITLE: SymbioTech - The European Alliance for advancing circular economy via Digital Industrial Symbiosis
- CODE: GAP-101186405
The SymbioTech project aims to promote the circular economy in Europe through Digital Industrial Symbiosis, leveraging advanced technologies to enhance resource efficiency and reduce waste.
Additionally, it seeks to overcome challenges in adopting sustainable practices, such as lack of trust and poor communication between companies, by utilizing artificial intelligence and blockchain.
- AGH University of Cracow
- Prios Kompetanse As
- Dermol d.o.o.
- Exeo Lab Srl
- Lidi Smart Solutions
- IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences
- Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency
- VSB Technical University of Ostrava
- In Dialogue Denmark
- University of Patras
- Chamber Of Commerce And Industry Vratsa Sdruzheni
30 November 2023
Il 29 Novembre 2023 si è svolta a Roma la seconda edizione dell’EFEN networking event. Nella prestigiosa sede di Unioncamere, a Piazza Sallustio, ospitate da Assocamerestero, 43 organizzazioni provenienti da tutta Europa si sono incontrate per parlare di cooperazione, co – progettazione, sviluppo e innovazione. Esattamente un anno fa si […]